Catching up with Laura Foy

When I met Laura Foy at Pseudo in 1998, she was working in the control room as a technical director for a variety of shows. Eventually she realized how much fun we were having on the third floor, and joined the team at All Games Network as an associate Producer and on air talent. When we finally moved from NYC to Los Angeles to start developing G4, Laura was one of the original team members to leave Silicon Alley and city that never sleeps, to build the first tv network for gamers.

When it came time to produce the network’s interactive talk show, Laura was started as the associate producer but became the star. Now she’s living the good life in Colorado helping startups navigate the evolving world of online marketing and social media for HIPCAT SOCIETY.

She recently had me as a guest on her podcast series called “Do The Damn Thing”


Insert Coin-Op

